Listen to Wet Will Always Dry by Blawan
Wet Will Always Dry
Album - Dance, Music, Electronic, Techno
South Yorkshire producer Blawan’s brutalising, bass-laden techno was a strictly subterranean affair when his 2012 track “Why They Hide Their Bodies Under My Garage” became an unexpected hit (even Skrillex played it). His response to viral fame? To burrow even deeper underground. Wet Will Always Dry caps several years of experiments channelling modular synths into stern grooves and charcoal-dark moods. “Klade” sets the tone by layering ominous drones over thudding drums; with “Careless”, the atmosphere thickens and the percussion turns pummelling, while “Tasser” takes up the flayed cymbals and screaming filters of techno at its most militant. Despite the omnipresent gloom, the album’s rhythms are exhilarating: Dystopia is rarely rendered in such kinetic terms.