Listen to The Glorious Sons Essentials on Apple Music.
The Glorious Sons Essentials
Playlist - 26 Songs
Over the course of the 2010s, Ontario quintet The Glorious Sons graduated from workhorse bar band to certified arena rockers in Canada by making their worst times sound like the best time. On their 2017 signature “S.O.S. (Sawed Off Shotgun)”, frontman Brett Emmons channels a litany of quarter-life-crisis calamities—unemployment, anxiety, pill addiction—into an oddly joyous working-class anthem for the ages. “Panic Attack” from 2019 pulls off a similar trick, issuing a cry for help that’s answered with a soaring chorus infused with a gospel-like levity. But on the 2021 single “Daylight”, the Sons trade in beer-swishing bonhomie for manic catharsis like The Rolling Stones gone punk.