Listen to Cala Vento Essentials on Apple Music.
Cala Vento Essentials
Playlist - 16 Songs
Aleix Turon and Joan Delgado bonded over a love of indie rock duos with a simple guitar-drums setup, and started their very own. Since the release of 2016’s debut self-titled album as Cala Vento, the pair quickly grew a reputation for bashing out unrestrained, pulse-quickening tunes. The jerky, catchy hooks of “Isla Desierta” and “Fin de ciclo” fizzle with hyperactive youthful exuberance. But every so often the head rush gives way to slower, heartfelt ballads such as “La importancia de jugar al baloncesto”. Despite being only a two-piece, Cala Vento make a fantastic racket.