
Two hundred swallow up Wage war with the holy one Six hundred and sixty six Worship the wild beast The Noble Queen Although marked by the years And the conquerors of the world Suffer vertigo from their high throne Still sheets moist from lukewarm contact We are all prostitutes of Gods and men This is our vanity The paralysed crowd The inquisition was a mission of lies Was Jesus right? Was Satan wrong? Is belief in the two vanity? Am I awake? I am disgusted Or is this vanity? Witches intoxicated by madness On the holy Sabbath night Judgement day Even death is vanity Still sheets moist from lukewarm contact We are all prostitutes of Gods and men This is our vanity Jumpin' Jesus, Judah, Jehoshaphat If only the Huns had prevailed Or if Odin survived The wise man listens But bad tastes sweet in his mouth The sinners consent To the beauty of seduction Still sheets moist from lukewarm contact We are all prostitutes of Gods and men This is our vanity
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