
Lettre à Monsieur le DG (A letter to the General Manager) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Tala nga na mokongo, tala nga na libumu eh (Look at my mouth, look at my stomach) Tala nga na elongi, tala nga na monoko eh (Look at my face, look at my back) Elongi eboya ko yemba lamulu eh eh (My face doesn't like to sing about love) Monoko elinga kaka matumoli, po nini oh oh (Why does my mouth only want to provoke Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Nayebi bakoloba, nayebi bakofinga eh (I know that you will talk, I know that you will insult) Nayebi bakotonga, nayebi bako spéculer (I know that you will gossip, I know that you will speculate) Monoko elinga kaka vérité eh, po nini oh (Why does the mouth only love the truth?) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Yoka ngai na maloba, yoka ngai na nzembo eh (Hear me in speech, hear me in a song) Maloba na ngai ezalaka nde ya nganga eh eh (My words are similar to that of a witch) Nioso ngai nalobaka esalamaka, oh po nini e oh (Why is it that everything that I say happens?) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Nayebi bakokamwa, nayebi bakongwenia (I know that you will be shocked, I know that you will grin) Koyoka la vérité ezali mokosa eh (Hearing the truth is itchy) La vérité ekozokisaka pota po nini e oh? (Why does the truth injures?) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Ebele ya bakalaka basundoli mayele eh (You abandon your college degrees) Baweli kaka mosala ya ki comeleçant (In favor of running businesses) Entourage mosala kofunda, po nini e oh (Why is your surrounding only reporting people?) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Ba DG. bokangela ngai elongi te eh (General Managers, don't be upsett with me.) Makambo nayembi namonaka, nayokaka (I see and hear what I am singing) Po ekokoma o Luambo ayembeli ba DG., po nini e oh (The next thing you know, people will be wondering why Luambo is singing against General Managers) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Ebele ya batu babwaki ba biki eh (Many people stop going to school) Moto nioso akoti mombongo (Everybody wants to run a business) Bazando na mboka ekomi nde kaka, po nini e oh (All market are full of merchants) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe eh, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) DG soki entourage na yo efundi motu (Gerneral Manager, If someone report somebody) Ebongi malamu osalaka confrontation (You have to confront the person who was accused) Po oyeba mabe ewuti wapi eh, po nini e oh (That way, you will know where the issue come from) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) DG ya batu mwana malamu e eh (The General Manager is a good person) DG ya batu alobaka na ye te (The general manager is a quiet person) Bandeko ya ekolo babebisaka ye, po nini e oh (People from his tribe are influencing him in the wrong direction) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Entourage ebebisela ngai makambo; (His surroundings ruined my life) Balobi na DG natongaka ye na banganda; (They told the general manager that I talk about him) DG alongola ngai sans préavis eh; (The general manager fired me without notice) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Entourage eloko malamu eh; (Having a crew is a good thing) Kasi entourage mosusu ezalaka nde ya mabe; (Some crews are bad) Mosala kaka kobolaka likoyi na DG, po nini e oh; (All they do is influence the general manager) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Instrumental Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Tala nga na mokongo, tala nga na libumu eh (Look at my mouth, look at my stomach) Tala nga na elongi, tala nga na monoko eh (Look at my face, look at my back) Elongi eboya ko yemba lamulu eh eh (My face doesn't like to sing about love) Luambo elinga kaka verite po nini oh oh (Why does my mouth only want to provoke?) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Entourage ya DG kaka ekolo na ye; (Everyone around the general manager belong to his tribe) Entourage ekofunda yo na monoko ya mboka; (They report you in their mother tongue) Moyen osalela ekolo ezali te e, po nini o oh; (How come you can't do anything about it?) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oh (Why does your surrounding behave badly?) Yoka ngai na maloba, yoka ngai na mongongo oh oh; (Listen to what I am saying, listen to my voice.) Mongongo elembi koyemba nde basi; (My voice is tired of singing for women) Monoko emesana na koyemba makambo makoya; (My voice is used to singing about the future) Mongongo ekawuki na koyemba vérité, po nini o oh? (My throat is dry after spiting the truth.) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Ozalaka kaka moto DG (General Manager, you are just a human being) Entourage esalaka mabe, po nini oooh
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