
The first time I saw Deborah She was lying in the sun The shape of her hips and The curve of her lips were Inviting me to come I leaned over to touch her knee She slapped me as I moved across Most girls never learn from men What Deborah Had already forgot I fell for her sunshine I was sucked in by her smile I wanted her to worship me But she took me for a child I never knew which way to turn To keep on her good side I thought she would shelter me But Deborah Drove me out of my mind Though it's a passionate face It's a passionate phase Like childhood An hour with Deborah Could seem like forever It was so good The last time I saw Deborah She was in her children's room Lying on the bed With her hand on her head She was leaving soon I thanked her for the starlight in her eyes She cut me off and said "That was very nice" But she hated any kind of Long goodbyes And she didn't wanna Waste my time I walked out of Deborah's life But Deborah Never walked out of mine!
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