
My yesterday made who I am If you know my story You know my struggle You know my pain And how I've come to gain All of these blessings God placed on me Still outsiders try to downplay me Like man you got both parents in your life Who did all the could and sacrificed Yeah well why is that an issue Was you there when I was little Did you wipe the tears from my mommas eyes At four years old all cuz your dad was always out at night Doing god knows what with god knows who Where you with me tryna keep her cool Already not eating and on top not sleeping And when he went to jail It was her and I but still we kept believing That one day we'd escape this life And be like the family's we see on shows at night See all we had was just our dreams So momma went back and got her GED I studied with her, she studied with me Doing high school work in elementary Taught her how to speak American tongue She taught me how I should love someone But still I saw her struggle when her and my dad split So I printed out cool pics in magazines to sell to kids Which then lead to me bootlegging and selling shoes for a profit Just so I can tell her when it comes to bills momma I got this But I guess I took the easy way out right? I guess I took the easy way out right? Shit you don't know me at all But I'll let you judge God don't like ugly God don't like ugly bitch God don't like ugly God don't like ugly God don't like ugly My yesterday made who I am If you know my story You know my struggle How I couldn't stay down I had to hustle Working part time on school time At a warehouse that now I sell out But that's right now not back then See back then I was clean up boy and helping hand Worked from 8 am to 5 pm student from 5 pm to 8 am Monthly payment like 800 Had a car note there goes 500 If only that guy ain't hit my car Was gonna use it till the wheels came off But god had different plans for me If it is to be it is to be So every month I had 300 Worked there two years till economy plummeted Was gonna used what I saved to go to UH I had the grades but now there goes my pay Went back to minimum wage Working at the motel I stay Cleaning shit stained sheets For these nasty ass creeps But fuck it I'm getting money So I guess I took the easy way out right? I guess I took the easy way out right? Shit you don't know me at all But I'll let you judge God don't like ugly God don't like ugly bitch God don't like ugly God don't like ugly My yesterday made who I am today Now I'm just riding and I'm doing my thing Got my day ones with me lost a few on the way Not everybody sticks around and well that's okay Jealousy and envy is one of a hell of a mixture No wonder y'all be talking but this the last I hear you I use what you say as fuel to my fire Easy way out guess again you fucking liar I just made it look easy Now I got you looking stupid Watch your ass turn around And come and join the movement Please
Writer(s): Jorge Chacon Lyrics powered by