
Lookin forward to New chapters Fear the old me is behind me if I look Backward Fear of heights but I'm moving up Ladders I just never look down keep my head Up in the rafters But look how far we've come man it's Been a minute Letters written I've improved with Every revision Still feel something missing, pickin' Up the pen full of ammunition Cause I should be full of joy but All I've been Given is Deep feelings of pure emptiness Questioning my meaning but you're Meant for this Sections of my brain Searching for The sentences Lending specimens of my soul in the Letters sent Sealing every inch of my thoughts in This envelope Handing my heart to certain people Even when it's broke Feeling no warmth of loneliness in The winter cold I need the feeling of love from those I've never known You know I never asked to be grown, now life's Like a sport Hit growth spurts and I'm still Coming up short Fasho it's all love but my target was Support Of course I feel selfish for forcing Myself to want more Poor ol me right Sore from the fight of my life in my Own mind Told myself I'm on my own so I can Hold mine Knowing there was land mines in the Holes the whole time damn Gotta watch my step when I'm Feeling blessed Because karma will come back and Hit me like she never left Crept up like the thought of fear When I think of death I don't wanna run from it no more so I save my breath No more cardio it's all weight Training Still far to go but I hate waiting Learning on the way but finding Ways to pray daily Never finding what I need, I need Something that takes me Away mentally from the present Hell is earth so I'm looking for Heavens In every good thing that I see in my Presence Pessimistic never but I need to use The essence of my being as a weapon A weapon to heal To let people feel The real meaning of love And how it's never derailed Show me every detail On every scale I'll give you myself in return And you'll never be failed Mmmm Never fall Never far From the truth Am I excused From life and it's rules Never know what to do Let these thoughts run loose Love is a gamble But I gamble with excellence In this certain case I just tampered With evidence Took my own heart and concealed it With recklessness Never turned myself in case was Never finished Hid my heart til my soul showed me My elegance Was looking for love on the outside Tryna let em in When it was right here in me Beneath my skeleton Write my wrongs then turn the Letters in
Writer(s): Trey Posey Lyrics powered by