
Something is wrong with America She once held the Bible as Her conscience and guide But we've allowed those who hold nothing to be sacred Like Sodom of old to push morals aside Where are the men who once stood for right And the women who championed their cause We must return to the values we've left Before this country we love is totally lost We want America back We want America back From those who have no self-control We want America back This nation is like a runaway train Headed down the wrong track It's time for the army of God to arise and say We want America back The land brave men died for The land Old Glory flies for Of people free to worship God on high We want America back We want America back From those who have no self-control We want America back This nation is like a runaway train Headed down the wrong track It's time for the army of God to arise and say We want America back Oh It's time for the army of God to arise and say We want America back We want America back
Writer(s): Jeff R. Steele Lyrics powered by