
Before the fall of man God had a perfect plan To fellowship with us was His desire But Adam disobeyed To sin became a slave Now a perfect sacrifice would be required An offering must be made A sin debt must be paid So God and man can reconciled be So Jesus said, "I'll go" Because He loved me so He shed His Blood and paid sin's penalty He gave Himself to pay a debt I could not pay (He gave Himself my debt to pay) When I was lost He gave Himself to be my way (When I was lost He was my way) Though I deserved to be upon the cross that day (Though I deserved the cross that day) In love He took my place (In love He took my place) And gave Himself No greater love is known No greater love is shown Than when one lays his life down for a friend But Jesus died for me When I was His enemy A love like this I cannot comprehend He gave Himself to pay a debt I could not pay (He gave Himself my debt to pay) When I was lost He gave Himself to be my way (When I was lost He was my way) Though I deserved to be upon the cross that day (Though I deserved the cross that day) In love He took my place (In love He took my place) And gave Himself My nails were in His hands My crown of thorns He wore My stripes were on His back My heavy cross He bore And when God turned his back He turned it on my sin Jesus won a victory that I could never win He gave Himself to pay a debt I could not pay (He gave Himself my debt to pay) When I was lost He gave Himself to be my way (When I was lost He was my way) Though I deserved to be upon the cross that day (Though I deserved the cross that day) In love He took my place (In love He took my place) And gave Himself In love He took my place (In love He took my place) And gave Himself He gave Himself
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