
I wanna get this done right So show me all the blueprints Show me all the blueprints Show me all the blueprints Show me all the blueprints Show me all the blueprints Show me all the blueprints Show me all the blueprints Show me all the blueprints Show me all the blueprints Show me all the blueprints Suffer cerebral A slave to absurd vexing routine The chains of dense grey matter Constrain a rationale Pleading to be set free A ritualistic scourge upon the psyche The superstitions and tics An insidious nuisance A plague of compulsions That feed on the need for control My right brain is telling me there's no salvation In counting the numbers of steps that I take Or in blinking at fives at the people I love I'm completely aware of the fact I am not In control of what happens But I can't shake these habits It's driving me batshit Please queue the casket What keeps me insistent These tics keep us safe Is it some vague solipsistic? Unease in my brain One that feeds on my logic Until I just can't refrain From repeating some task often odd and inane I'm a slave to these cycles my psyche is sick When I know it's nonsensical Why can't I quit? I'm at a loss The repetition is grinding me down Appeasing compulsions Day in and day out such a chore But if I fail to comply That incomplete ritual Gnaws at the back of my mind Until I'm just beside myself And it's impossible To focus on anything else I try to hide it Because I'm embarrassed and fear The disorder could seize all control Suffer cerebral A slave to absurd vexing routine The chains of dense grey matter Constrain a rationale Pleading to be set free A ritualistic scourge upon the psyche The superstitions and tics An insidious nuisance It feeds on the need for control
Writer(s): Whitney Rae Flynn, Jesse Edward Sendejas Lyrics powered by