
Well old Johnny Bucker he lived by himself, As long as he had perfect health Then one day he took himself a wife For to look after him for the rest of his life. Singing I do believe, I do believe Old Johnny Bucker was a gay old bugger And a gay old bugger was he Now old Mrs. Bucker she had a bad leg And the doctor ordered her to bed He called for Johnny and he said to him You'll have to rub you're old wife's leg with gin. Singing I do believe, I do believe Old Johnny Bucker was a gay old bucka And a gay old bucka was he. Now old Johnny Bucker thought it would be a sin To rub his old wife's leg with gin So he got the gin and he poured it down his throttle And he rubbed his old wife's leg with the bottle Singing I do believe, I do believe Old Johnny Bucker was a gay old bucker And a gay old bucka was he. Now old Johnny Bucka went walking that day And down by the river he happened to stray He fell in and he began to shout But there's no bugger there to pull the bugger out. Singing I do believe, I do believe Old Johnny Buckwr was a gay old bucker And a gay old bucker was he. Oh the Lord made bees and the bees made honey And the Lord made a man of the man who made honey Oh the Lord made the devil and the devil made sin And they had to dig a hole for to put the bugger in. Singing I do believe, I do believe Old Johnny Bucker was a gay old bucker And a gay old bucker was he.
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