
GOD has a purpose (Its time,,,) God has a plan (Its time,,,) God is calling on you (Its time,,,) He has a Job for you to do (Its time,,,) Come out of the darkness (Time,,,) Into the marvalous light (Its time,,,) Don't__ be shame or shy (Time,,,) Lord not my will but Thine (Don't you know its time,,,) Just trust Him (Time,,,) And Believe Him (Its time,,,) He's allready worked it out (Time,,,) All you got to do is walk it out (Its time,,,) He wants to Bless you (Time,,,) He waited on you (This time,,,) All you got to say is - Lord__ not my will but Thine (Dont waist your time,,,) Now there are two catagories I want to discuss right now Its the Salvation catagory & that deals with eternity The Bible declaires that if You Believe in your heart and confess Jesus and be Baptized, stay faithful You are saved (Tic toc, tic toc,,,),,,,,, repeat after me,,, (Listen for the clock,,,),,,, Jesus, I believe you are the son of God (Listen for the clock,,,),,, You died and rose again on the third day (Tic, toc, tic, toc,,,),,, all power is in Your hands (Listen to the clock,,,) Do all these things and your saved, your saved,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The second catagory deals with the call on your life (Listen to the clock,,,) You have a mandate on your life to do what God has called you to do You can't run, you cant get away Theres no hideing place (Tic toc, tic toc,,,) He's called you to write a book He's called you to start a business (Listen to the clock,,,) He's called you to go into Ministry (Tic toc, tic toc,,,) He's called you to lay hands on the sick, and they will recover in his name Yeah Yea (Listen for the clock,,,) The clock is winding up (Listen,,, tic toc) Your time is running out (Tic toc, tic toc,,,) You dont have long You dont have long Listen, listen, listen, listen,,,,,,,,,
Writer(s): Dan Phillipson Lyrics powered by