
'A cartulina 'e Napule The poscard from Naples Originally sung by Gilda Mignonette Sung here by Maria Nazionale Mm'è arrivata stammatina, 'Na cartulina: This morning I have received One postcard: È 'na veduta 'e Napule This is a view of Naples Che mm'ha mannato mammema. That my mom has posted to me. Se vede tutt' 'o Vommero, One can see all Vomero, Se vede Margellina, One can see Mergellina, 'Nu poco 'e cielo 'e Napule. And a little of the sky of Naples. Che bella cartulina! What a beautiful postcard! Napule, Naples, Aggio scritto pe' tte chesta canzona I have written this song about you E p' 'o ricordo 'e mammema And, remembering my mom, Aggio chiagnuto llacreme 'e passione. I have cried by sad tears. E se vede pure 'o mare And one can see also the sea Cu Marechiare. With Marechiaro. Mme parla cchiù 'e 'na lettera Better than any letter this postcard Sta cartulina 'e Napule Tells me about Naples. Che gioja, che delizia, What a joy, what a delight, 'Sta villa quant'è fina! This villa how it's fine! Comm'è bello 'o Vesuvio How beautiful is the Vesuvius 'Nfaccia a 'sta cartulina! On this postcard! Napule Naples, Aggio scritto pe' tte chesta canzona I have written this song about you E p' 'o ricordo 'e mammema And, remembering my mom, Aggio chiagnuto llacreme 'e passione. I have cried by sad tears. "Comme tu può stà felice – "How can you be happy – Mamma mme dice – My mom writes me – Luntano tanto 'a Napule, So far from Naples, Luntano tanto 'a mammeta?" So far from your mom?" E soffro mille spaseme, And I suffer by thousand torments, 'Ncore tengo 'na spina In my heart there's a thorn Quanno cunfronto 'America When I compare America Cu chesta cartulina. With this postcard. Napule, Naples, Aggio scritto pe' tte chesta canzona I have written this song about you E p' 'o ricordo 'e mammema And, remembering my mom, Aggio chiagnuto llacreme 'e passione. I have cried by sad tears. Translated by Natalia Chernega Vomero and Mergellina are the districts of Naples, Marechiaro is a little suburb near Naples.
Writer(s): Giuseppe De Luca Lyrics powered by