
Louisa was a movie queen Before she'd achieved the age of sweet sixteen Long before Cagney threw those girls about Little Louisa tossed her curls about Later when the talkies came The whole world resounded to her fame Each time she married Every daily paper carried Headlines blazing her name Not only headlines But photographs and interviews Every thing she did was news that held the world in thrall Some say she read lines better than Marléne could No other entertainer could Compete with her at all But regardless of the fact That she could sing and dance and act And owned furniture that wasn't "Little Rockery" And regardless of her gems, which were hers not MGM's Her life was one long mockery Louisa was terribly lonely Sucess brought her naught but despair She derived little fun From the oscars she'd won And none From her home in Bel Aire She said she was weary of living On this bestial, terrestrial plane When friends came to visit Their hands she would clutch Crying, "Tell me why is it I suffer so much? Oh, if only, if only, if only My life wasn't quite such a strain." And soon after that she was terribly lonely All over again Louisa was terribly lonely Louisa was terribly sad It appears that the cheers that had rung in her ears For years had been driving her mad She sobbed when men offered her sables And moaned when they gave her champagne She remarked to her groom on their honeymoon night As he tenderly kissed her and switched off the light "Oh, If only, if only, if only I'd flung myself out of that plane..." And the very next day she was terribly lonely All over again Louisa was terribly lonely (The girl had no fun) Louisa was tired of it all (Not a call from anyone) She gazed like a dazed, frustrated sphinx At her hundred and eight new tated minx And she wrung her hands And she beat her breast Crying, "My, my, my, I'm so depressed." Nobody knew the troubles she'd seen Nobody knew, but you-know-who The tribulations of a movie queen So, farewell to lovely Louisa (We'll just let life tease her.) Let's leave her searching in vain (Find someone to explain.) Why destiny Singled her out to be Only Lonely Over and over again
Writer(s): Noel Coward Lyrics powered by