
Your Kingdom Come Solveig Leithaug Worship You Your Kingdom Come Lyrics: © Solveig L. Henderson, 2004 Music: © Solveig L. Henderson, 2004 (Matthew 6; 9-13) Your kingdom come Your will be done in earth as it is in Heaven Your kingdom come, Your will be done May Your glory fall on our nation Give us this day our daily bread And forgive our sins As we forgive those who have sinned against us Your kingdom come, Your will be done In our churches and in our town halls Your kingdom come, Your will be done In our prisons and in our shelters Lord, may our hearts be turned back to You And forgive us our sins As we forgive those who have sinned against us For Yours is the kingdom, The power and the glory (repeat) Forever and ever Your kingdom come, Your will be done In our marriages and families Your kingdom come, Your will be done With our elderly and children Lord, may our hearts be abandoned to You, Help us love You first And love our neighbors as You have first loved us For Yours is the kingdom, The power and the glory (repeat) For ever and ever Amen
Writer(s): Solveig Leithaug Lyrics powered by