
Well that's all I need, folk-dancing. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, (Help!), Here we go. Me Ol' Bamboo. Me Ol' Bamboo. You better never bother with Me Ol' Bamboo. You can have me hat or me bumper shoe, But you better never bother with Me Ol' Bamboo. A gentlemens' got a walking stick A sailors got a gaff, And the merry men of Robin Hood, They used a quarter-staff. On the spanish blades inside their caves, They hide their ruddy swords. But we make due with an old bamboo And everyone applause. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8(Help). Me Ol' Bamboo. Me Ol' Bamboo. You better never bother with Me Ol' Bamboo. You can have me hat or me bumper shoe, But you better never bother with Me Ol' Bamboo. When punching under beautiful tents, You use a sturdy pole. To protect their fair complexions, Ladies use a parasol. It's useful in the underbrush, To have a hefty spear. Right, but what we do with an old bamboo Makes everybody cheer. 1, 2, 3, Ohh. Me Ol' Bamboo. Me Ol' Bamboo. You better never bother with Me Ol' Bamboo. You can have me hat or me bumper shoe, But you better never bother with Me Ol' Bamboo. Here it comes mate. Look out. (Whistle) Watch where you're puttin that pole. That's it. Heeeere we go! (Cheers) (Someone yells) You'll love this bit. (Cheers, laughter) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, And a 1, 2, 3, 4, And a 5, 6, 7 Ahhhh! Me Ol' Bamboo. Me Ol' Bamboo. You better never bother with Me Ol' Bamboo. You can have me hat or me bumper shoe, But you better never bother with Me Ol' Bam- -Boo You better never bother with Me Ol' Bamboo!
Writer(s): Richard Sherman, Robert Sherman Lyrics powered by