
I'll rip the eyeballs from your head Your innards boiled internally Cremator flays you one by one Sending ashes into eternity Dissector's good with a sharpened hook I'll gut you like a fish Fermentor will anatomize Against your every wish Your face we'll burn right off your skull It's my only vice Decapitated with a scythe Your bones we'll fashion into dice Spilled out organs we devour I eat mine with a frosty brew Your fate is sealed, as is your tomb You're really getting screwed Your death will not be swift At the hands of the mentally deficient Slaughtering in the cemetary We're nothing if not efficient A knife across your fucking throat I'll drink right from the slit The blood is gulped through filthy hoods And from our fingers licked A pile of meat is all that remains Quivering in the crypt Your splattered torso steaming now Where flesh has been unzipped Entombed within the catacombs Your grave an unmarked open ditch Decaying in the fetid swamp Your bones are black as pitch Maniaxe!!!
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