
Suns evolving Planets moulding Outskirts of a galaxy Breathing carbon chemistry A recipe for living And life evolved and conquered land The animals went hand in hand Taming fire, aiming higher Progressively perceiving The wisest of them all Beneld the circus in the sky The universal rule Flat earth cannot contain me Copernicus, on his death bed The earth goes round the sun He said Galileo's house arrest Could not save aristotte Newton, kepler, horrifled Earth and heaven unifled When halley died he prophesied A message in a bottle To 1758 He said it would be worth the wait Amid the christmas cheer His comet did appear To 1999 Behold the circuse in the sky A new millenia His comet will appear He will observe us from on high Earth and heaven unify Behold the circus in the sky To planet earth I say Goodbye
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