
My friends don't walk, they run 我的朋友們不肯聽大人的話好好地走,他們用跑的 Skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun 為了好玩,在兔子洞裡裸泳 ※愛莉絲進入仙境的兔子洞 Poppin', poppin' balloons with guns, getting high off helium 打爆,用槍打爆氣球,像毒品般吸著氦氣而變得興奮 We paint white roses red 我們將白玫瑰漆成紅色 ※紙牌士兵種錯顏色,因此試圖掩飾錯誤 Each shade from a different person's' head 每一道影子,都來自不同人的頭 ※因為如果被紅心皇后發現,就會被砍頭 And in this dream, there is a killer getting drunk with the blue caterpillar 而在這場夢中,有一個殺手和藍色的毛毛蟲一起喝醉了 ※依照該專輯的順序,她殺掉了自己的綁架者 ※原版故事中,毛毛蟲抽著水煙 Now I'm peeling the skin off my face, 'cause I really hate being safe 我正在剝掉我的臉皮,因為我真的很討厭過安全的日子 The normals, they make me afraid 『正常』,讓我感到害怕 The crazies, they make me feel sane 『瘋狂』,讓我感到正常 I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad, the craziest friend that you've ever had 我瘋了,寶貝,我瘋了,我是你交過最瘋狂的朋友 You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone 你認為我是神精病,你認為我瘋了 Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong 告訴心理醫生,有什麼不太對勁 Over the bend, entirely bonkers 超過那條線,完全發瘋了 You like me best when I'm off my rocker 當我發瘋時,你最喜歡我 ※off 某人的 rocker:發瘋,失去控制 Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed 告訴你一個秘密,我並不驚慌 So what if I'm crazy? The best people are 所以,我瘋了又怎樣?所有優秀的人都是 All the best people are crazy, 所有優秀的人都是瘋的 All the best people are 所有優秀的人都是如此 Where is my prescription? 我的藥呢? ※prescription:由醫生開立的處方藥 Doctor, doctor, please listen 醫生,醫生,拜託聽我說 My brain is scattered 我的腦子四分五裂 You can be Alice, I'll be the Mad Hatter 你可以是愛麗絲,我則會是瘋帽子 Now I'm peeling the skin off my face 我正在剝掉我的臉皮 'Cause I really hate being safe 因為我真的很討厭過安全的日子 The normals, they make me afraid 『正常』,讓我感到害怕 The crazies, they make me feel sane 『瘋狂』,讓我感到正常 I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad 我瘋了,寶貝,我瘋了 I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad, the craziest friend that you've ever had 我瘋了,寶貝,我瘋了,我是你交過最瘋狂的朋友 You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone 你認為我是神精病,你認為我瘋了 Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong 告訴心理醫生,有什麼不太對勁 Over the bend, entirely bonkers 超過那條線,完全發瘋了 You like me best when I'm off my rocker 當我發瘋時,你最喜歡我 Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed 告訴你一個秘密,我並不驚慌 So what if I'm crazy? The best people are 所以,我瘋了又怎樣?所有優秀的人都是 All the best people are crazy 所有優秀的人都是瘋的 All the best people are 所有優秀的人都是如此 You think I'm crazy, you think I'm gone 你認為我瘋了,你認為我發瘋了 So what if I'm crazy? All the best people are 所以,我瘋了又怎樣?所有優秀的人都是如此 And I think you're crazy too, I know you're gone 而且我認為你也瘋了,我知道你瘋了 It's probably the reason that we get along 這大概就是為什麼我們會處得來 I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad, the craziest friend that you've ever had 我瘋了,寶貝,我瘋了,我是你交過最瘋狂的朋友 You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone 你認為我是神精病,你認為我瘋了 Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong 告訴心理醫生,有什麼不太對勁 Over the bend, entirely bonkers 超過那條線,完全發瘋了 You like me best when I'm off my rocker 當我發瘋時,你最喜歡我 Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed 告訴你一個秘密,我並不驚慌 So what if I'm crazy? The best people are 所以,我瘋了又怎樣?所有優秀的人都是 All the best people are crazy 所有優秀的人都是瘋的 All the best people are 所有優秀的人都是如此 ※愛麗絲夢遊仙境中的台詞(不確定原作裡是怎樣,至少電影裡是這樣): 1. 愛麗絲:Do you think I've gone round the bend?(你覺得我瘋了嗎?) 愛麗絲的父親:I'm afraid so. You're mad, bonkers, off your head. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.(恐 怕是的,你瘋了,完全發瘋了。但我要告訴你一個秘密,所有優秀的人都是這樣。) 2. 瘋帽子:Have I gone mad?(我瘋了嗎?) 愛麗絲:I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'l l tell you a secret. All the best people are.(恐怕是的,你完全發瘋了。但我要告訴你一個秘密,所有優秀的人都是這樣。)
Writer(s): Leon Stefan Smart Lyrics powered by