
Tonight the clouds are filled with snow The lake is calm, the air is cold I can't believe its Christmas Eve Another year has gone The garland hangs in the front hall The tree stands nearly 10 feet tall A thousand lights stay on all night And I will try to sleep Oh I with you were here Baby, I wish you were here The children sat on Santa's knee Gave him a list of toys to bring Ben wants a soldier dressed like his father You would've been so proud And I wish you were here Baby, I wish you were here And until you get back home We're apart but not alone 'Cause I'll be sending home to you Let's take a breath and close our eyes Pretend we're dreaming side by side Believing Christmas can bridge this distance And bring me to your arms Oh, I wish you were here Baby, I wish you were here And until you get back home We're apart but not alone 'Cause I'll be sending home to you
Writer(s): Cheryl Jones Rogers, James Casto Lyrics powered by