
"Here's to your endeavors Make 'em big and bold" His last words I remember Every time my feet get cold His breath began to labor I felt my tears pour out Then grandma brang in the one thing He most cared about Oh yeah, it was a brown flight jacket It said Hell From Above Grampa gave it to me On his death bed with his love Brown flight jacket Live till you die I'm tail spinning on fire And falling to deep water from the sky He'd tried to calm his panic When he hit the sea A Japanese destroyer Fished him out inhumanly They clubbed him with their rifles And dumped him in Bataan He weighed less than 100 pounds When they finally rescued him Oh yeah, it was his brown flight jacket Left in my care I'm wrapped up in my fathers As I pirouette and plummet through the air I thread my arms into his sleeves (Son of his son) But I kid myself He fought his fear and won We all can't live in razzle-dazzle days But I won't go from thing to thing to... whatever pays Oh no, because a brown flight jacket Fell from above Grampa gave it to me On his death bed with his love Brown flight jacket Live till you die I'm tail spinning on fire And falling to deep water from the sky Deep water...
Writer(s): Stephen Perry Lyrics powered by