
I'D RATHER TALK ABOUT YOU Who cares about the weather? It may or it may not rain If it's hot or cold outside, good does it do to complain? Talking about windchill factors completely numbs my brain I'd rather talk about you I don't care 'bout no stock report or how much they are per share Capital gains, ipo's, the bull or the bear Of greenspan and his interest rates, can't say I really care naw, naw... I'd rather talk about you You're the topic of conversation I'm most likely entertaining I... find you quite a fascinating chap In a letter to the editor, I'd most likely be complaining How, lately, there seems to be too much room on your lap One sport is like another - to me they're all the same Don't care 'bout no statistics, who's in or out of the hall of fame Who cares if you win or lose? It ain't nothin' but a game Babe, I'd rather talk about you... I've canceled my paper subscription, got rid of all my cable I've come to be a narrow-minded boy I ain't got no qualms about laying all my cards upon the table And telling you that my life could revolve around your world "To be or not to be" was Billy Shakespeare's take 500 years later, what difference did it make? I ain't gonna waste my time repeating Bill's mistake Naw, naw, naw – I'd rather talk about you I'd rather think, scheme, I'd rather ask about, dream, I'd even rather sing about you I'll just forget about everything else, and then I'll talk about you
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