
Certain forces active upon the earth aim to artificially suppress the natural evolution of human consciousness... It may come as unnerving news to some, to hear that humanity is constantly being bombarded by forces and events that are beyond our control... It is these forces that aim to target the very spaces in which humanity has a modicum of free choice and free will. Think about where you're sitting right now... The perpetual battlefield is what we know as our everyday lives, our education, our work, our leisure, and our conscious thinking... Yet the armaments of this struggle are not guns, tanks, airplanes, bombs or battle-cruisers, it is much more subtle than this... It is a war that targets not only the present, but also the very long term future. And it has been going on for as long as humankind has existed on planet earth... What is this war? It is a battle for our minds, how we think... In short, it is a war of consciousness.
Writer(s): Eartha Suzanne Harris Lyrics powered by