
Lost within the shadow of night (Thunder roars, thunder cries) Wounded by a great spirit's light (Lighting fills the skies) Friend In this desperate hour, i will die! Guide me through the storm and the rain (I am weak, I am cold) Save me from my wounds, from my pain (Riddles will unfold) I can hear her calling, rain keeps falling Hurry, no time to wast! (Blood will flow) I am weak, so make haste! (Only she can know) I have no tears left in my eyes (I'm not brave, I have fear) I'm so sorry for all my lies (We are getting near) Friend In this desperate hour, I will die! In the distance, I see a light (We are close, almost there) Through the darkness, through endless night (Shadows everywhere) I can hear her calling, rain keeps falling Hurry, no time to wast! (Blood will flow) I am weak, so make haste! (Only she can know)
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