
They took the title from his name That paltry gift of Britain's hand No soul or laurel beneath the flame For him today in every land They stood him on a gallows tree With eyes blindfolded from the light Nor saw down all those years to be His soul, a soul of truth and light They hanged him high in Pentonville On coffin there his ashes lie A mound of dust that may not thrill To sun or shade or sea or sky But somewhere far beyond our kin O'er awful vistas yet unrolled That dust shall spring to fighting men As sprang the dragon's teeth of old They murdered him in Pentonville While howling mobs profaned the air Like wolves who only dared to kill When the whole pack is gathered there But others of his country men Melt into dust, for him who cried "I give my life for Ireland then God take my soul" before he died God took his soul, God heard his cry God gauged his reckoning, yea, and said "Above the farthest reach of sky Casement's immortal coronet" God ranged his crying of sacrifice His life was all he had to give But there's his blood has paid our price And died that Ireland's soul shall live
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