
One day a little girl came after me . she said she had to have an interview.a pencil and a paper in het ' hand . those beautiful blue eyes open to life . and looked into my eyes with friendly love to ask a question: HAPPINESS? WHATISIT? YOU LOVE AS JESUS USED TO LOVE . YOU DREAM AS JESUS USED TO DREAM . YOU THINK AS JESUS usco TO THiNK . vou TIVE AS ÜESUS USEO TO TIVE) YÓu'FIEL'Ài'óEêÜs riiT'foK'pEopLK . vou "fiLE'ANO CRY Tnc WAV HE DID IT . AND BY THE END OF DAY I TELL YOU THAT YUOU'll BE AS HAPPY AS YOU WANT TO BE ... She heard what I had said an looked at me she said I was so nice and talked so well . she said she wondered if I c o u I d re p ea t . - - r . VU-V'raPP hess? that is ft? but please I should talk easy, not too fast . and once again those beautiful blue eyes were asking me As soon as I had finished every word . she kept on looking at het ' little book.and suddenly she jumped into my arms with tears in her beautiful blue eyes . and kissed me her good bye with tender mood and nett ine saying what I ' said to her . . .
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