
Who in the world need celebrations? The stupidest holiday in the year You hadn't even seen it before So what? I don't care Just leave me ALONE Why are you so mad, my dear? Smile for me just one more time Well i want you to disappear While i hadn't do some kind of crime? Hush! Don't be Cry-cry! Look at the sky! Open your eyes, don't be shy! Do you see the snowflakes Are flying in the height Isn't the best thing in the World? I afraid I've caught a cold Anyway, i feel bored You could never be able to explain me The value of NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS I don't need your EXPLANATIONS! Leave ME ALONE Well maybe the reason of your coldness Is hiding behind synthetic boldness All you need is to find your FEELINGS and Make your world a little BRIGHTER Is not the right, huh? IT'S NOT MY FAULT! THAT I'M MONSTER! It's the day when all your Dream come true! This Statement has NO Scientific Evidence Just try, I believe in You! I Wish i'll never be an senseless creature My dream's to feel HURT and CHEER And one day i'll UNDERSTAND what it is - to FEEL My All Mind Is Clear Thank You, My Dear And I Wish You, A Happy New Year
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