
Hot nights Girl, you're looking so good, it feels like summer Silhouette your body in my headlights The way you let the music take you over, over I can tell you're dressed up for me It's not hard to see Yeah, you're a killer bee Let me tell you honestly Where I wanna be You look best to me When you wake up in my t-shirt Gives me a different kind of feeling When I look at you in nothing but my t-shirt It hits me like a fever When I'm loving you Chill days We'll be sleeping in like it's the weekend Put your favorite record on, hit replay People talking, calling me your boyfriend, boyfriend I can tell you're dressed up for me It's not hard to see Yeah, you're a killer bee Let me tell you honestly Where I wanna be You look best to me When you wake up in my t-shirt Gives me a different kind of feeling When I look at you in nothing but my t-shirt It hits me like a fever When I'm loving you I know what's under that t-shirt It's hard to believe it My mind don't work When you're in my t-shirt Baby, I don't wanna rush ya' But I can't wait to touch ya' Lying in bed With your head on my chest When you wake up in my t-shirt Gives me a different kind of feeling When I look at you in nothing but my t-shirt It hits me like a fever When I'm loving you When you wake up in my t-shirt Gives me a different kind of feeling When I look at you in nothing but my t-shirt It hits me like a fever When I'm loving you (When you wake up in my t-shirt) (Gives me a different kind of feeling) (When I look at you in nothing but my t-shirt) (It hits me like a fever) (When I'm loving you)
Writer(s): Nicole Morier, Leandra Earl, Kylie Miller, Jordan Miller, Eliza Enman Mcdaniel Lyrics powered by