
Come and find me at the top of the ferris wheel Come and find me in the darkest red brothel Come and find me when I feel like a shiny new penny Come and find me when I'm feeling awful Look for me on a dark corner Look for me in a green meadow Look for me when I am sitting beside you And look for me when I have left you. If you're not chasing me, why am I running, Stumbling over it all? You are invincible, I am invisible Reflecting the light of the sun Still, I run. Look at me up on this pretty high horse Look at me here in the gutter Look at me over a pretty girl's shoulder But don't look at me after you're done with her. If you're not chasing me, why am I running Is this the pride or the fall? You are invincible, I am invisible Reflecting the light of the sun Still I run. Come and find me at the top of the ferris wheel Come and find me in the darkest red brothel Come and find me when I feel like a shiny new penny Come and find me when I'm feeling awful If you're not chasing me, why am I running, Is this the pride or the fall? You are invincible, I am invisible Is this what I have become? Still, I run.
Writer(s): Lynn Blakey, Caitlin Cary, Tonya Lamm, Sara Bell, Anthony Crawford Lyrics powered by