
The night was ripe and I was pickin' grapes off it, Taken off at like midnight, then I'd say softly That it wouldn't be met with what normally bested Me, which be whiskey and weed but indeed It did, and I was gone like a cough to a lozenger Walked up in a house to 'em all doin' dollar hits (of coke) While talking cognitive, rhetoric like philosopher's About death, life, love, just pondering Solvin' themselves these shells of truth That they'll lose once their high's through, And I guess that defines youth, Then there's poets praying for plagues or bombs So they'll have something more to write in essays or songs Cause they're bored of war and can't do shit about politics So get real fuckin' drunk and then imagine they can abolish it But then they'll get old, and have some kids of their own Then those kids will say the same shit 'till their old And it repeats over and over, And watch the news - they're still Saying that the world's fucked and they've got it on film Like, Yeah, kill, kill, kill, shit, did everybody die? Double that, we need ratings, call it, umm, a genocide! Then after a 2-hundred thousand dollar commercial, We're shown kids blown to bits In a country we've never heard of Then some have the nerve to comment like they know shit Sayin, "Oh, that's God punishing the heathens' indulgence" And they believe it, because passion with a good voice Passes as fact to like half of those who hear the noise So bon voyage and whatnot or whatever, I'll sever ties with my senses forever I'm so exisistential, and selfishly bitter, Like, look, take my rights but Leave me my liquor (Leave us our liquor!) Then I see all these women wearing make up for the sake of Perfecting the face that appears when they wake up And I wonder what it'd be like to live as a girl Where your face isn't good enough to show to the world It's odd, a woman's life is a fashion show And a guy's not a guy unless he's smashing those And they say, we're all free in most ways But what most don't calculate Is that we're slaves mostly to culture Giving ulcers to a kid who likes pink, Cause when Daddy calls him faggot, he likes blue to be abiding, Or a girl who was lonely, and was forced to pretend But then blew a bunch of dudes and had a room full of friends Then we're all Che 'til our youth runs out A bunch of Bolsheviks, that conform somehow I see kids pushin' world peace out their mouths And to them I say, no, the world's a fuckin' slaughterhouse We're all living on stolen roads A peace sign's just fashionable So I'll be sitting here See you when you save the world Or when you wake up and you save yourself
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