
This song is for all of you who have opened up your homes And made us feel so welcome when we were on the road You've shown us generosity like we have never known Through your lives you've taught us better ways to live our own These times have taught us so much As much as we hope that these days will never end One day we'll have to pack our bags and say goodbye to our friends But we will never leave without a promise that someday We will see you again Until that day you will be with us In our minds and in our hearts And always a part of who we are This song is for all of you who have opened up your homes And made us feel so welcome when we were on the road You've shown us generosity like we have never known And through your lives you've taught us better ways to live our own To all our second homes, we could not do this alone To all our second homes We could not do this alone To all our second homes To all our second homes, we could not do this alone We owe so much to everyone who has helped us on our way But we have so little with which to repay We can only offer this song and these words that we sing
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