
HARVARD PROFESSOR (spoken) So, gentlemen, Harvard Law grants admission to Adam Cohen and Sundeep Padamadan. And now, Ms. Elle Woods... Who was kind enough to send in a headshot. OTHER PROFESSOR (spoken) We should admit her, for reasons of, um . . . multiculturalism! PROFESSORS (spoken) Multiculturalism! HARVARD PROFESSOR (spoken) Oh gentlemen, please! Get a hold of yourselves! Oh, look at that! Oh, what a shame! She didn't bother sending in a personal essay! SORORITY GIRL (spoken) How's this for a personal essay? GIRLS What you want! HARVARD PROFESSOR Goodness me! GIRLS What you want! HARVARD PROFESSOR Security! GIRLS What you want is right in-- HARVARD PROFESSOR (spoken) Who are you? ELLE I'm what you want, Harvard I'm the girl for you! ELLE and GIRLS And to prove it's true ELLE We all flew here on Jet Blue ELLE and GIRLS Thank you! JET BLUE PILOT Thank you! GIRLS This is what Elle Woods inspires Everyone admires her And Harvard should too! HARVARD PROFESSOR (spoken) This is NOT a personal essay! GIRLS No! An essay's so boring and so much does not fit So we're appearing live, right here Making clear you must admit That Elle Woods should join the chosen few Harvard, what you want is right in front of-- ELLE May I approach! GIRLS Uh-huh! Oh yeah! Go Elle! HARVARD PROFESSOR (spoken) Now see here, Ms. Woods! You can't just barge in here with singing and dancing and ethnic movement. This is a very flashy presentation, but I still don't see one reason to admit you! ELLE How about love? Have you ever been in love? Cause if you have, you'll know That love never accepts a defeat No challenge it can't meet No place it cannot go Don't say no to a woman in love Don't laugh when I say love Don't think that I'm naive Because even a person who's smart Can listen to their heart Can listen and believe So believe in what love can achieve Do you believe? PROFESSOR (spoken) I do! ELLE Do you believe? PROFESSOR (spoken) Me too! ALL Yes, we believe in love! How 'bout you? HARVARD PROFESSOR (spoken) Welcome to Harvard! ALL (cheers) What you want What you want What you want is right in front of you, front of you What you want What you want What you want is right in front of you, front of you What you want What you want What you want What you want!
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