
I'm sick of all the doctors, I'll never find my way back I'd rather just stay at home and doing drugs all night I don't wanna work, I wanna have fun, but there's no fun for me Everything is boring, my work, my band, my friends The cycle keeps on going it never ends I tried to end my life last year, it was harder than I thought Because I'm still here and alive, it would be easier if I was not I don't see the point of anything, I'm sick of all the pain My medication ain't working, the shrinks all sound the same After sunshine there's always rain I said goodbye to all my friends, and my family And then I took my medicines and tried to fall asleep The ambulance came, they took me away, they managed to keep me alive I was gone for a while, but they brought me back, and it happened many times Turns out that I wasn't ready to die When I got to the ER my mom was already there I noticed that she was crying, and her eyes were filled with fear I'm sorry mom, it won't happen again, I can't put you through this pain I'm gonna fight this, I know you would do the same
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