
Slow crawl amidst boughs of oak Where light of sun is banished The incubus of karma is upon us How tall these trees, scent dampened by earth Where darkness and cold shade reign I seek the wooded secrets The knowledge that conceals more than it reveals I am the voice of all sorrows I am the source of all pain I speak the voice of sorrow I speak the voice of pain So harmoniously beautiful So reverently melodious The deceptive magic of temptation Respite only in deep dreamless sleep These temptations The seeing of their loathsomeness eludes me Evil incarnations Broken vows Of the old kings Dark span looming Onerous chants Linger in the peripheral Evil, evil Fates weave through winding fates Darkness lay siege to light Exaltations turn to punishments All earthly pleasures cease The incubus of karma is upon us...
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