
All men seek fortune, life's greatest prize But few men take action and capitalize Waiting and waiting, they squander their lives With nothing they'll live and with nothing they'll die I cannot kill myself My ashes must be ingested by those who crave my death Breeding simple minds I watched the peasants procreate Generations passed as my disdain to hate Everything I stole made up everything I owned; Lifted of their virtues while I slowly took control Raping their culture then claiming their land Their anguish fueled me more: performing Death's dance Those that feel are truly weak Pitiful creatures unable to see Their graves were chosen at birth Beaten till broken and absent of worth Accepting of their place beneath me Broken glass and splintered wood Woken from my sleep I hear their screams They came through my doors and dragged me forth With no remorse, with no discourse They dragged me forth Nothing- nothing is left... Because I took it all I- I took it all for myself Dragged through their pathetic fucking town by a rope around my neck Spitting their filth upon my face in contempt The fires burn as they raise me higher One stone is thrown for every misdeed that I have committed I lost sight. Every choice I made was matter over mind, then turn blind eyes While they took my life, They will always know inside: I took their pride You're all worthless You're all fucking worthless
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