
(Voiceover by Ryan Remington from The essay "Better Living As An Animal") I feel insignificant in my every day life. I don't need to comprehend the vastness of space to Realize just how small I am There are over 7 billion human beings exactly Like me on this planet and I rank somewhere in The middle of them in every conceivable category I'm not the fattest, not the skinniest. Not the smartest, and I'm not the dumbest I'm simply mediocre in comparison We are a bell curve of mediocrity Yet, given the amount of people here, We still look higher and lower to understand how Important we think we are. We've explored the edges of our galaxy with telescopes and Theoretical physics and unmanned spacecrafts. We've explored the very building blocks of Existence with microscopes and molecular biology and particle physics. We went so far as to create the gods of Olympus Before we understood Earth's rotation and the Avengers after we Understood that constellations were nothing more than coincidence We ascribe meaning to orbital magnetism and birthdays We believe in a creator that formed our existence, Because we can't believe that we're just random chance We can't accept the truth that We are a sentient byproduct of evolution We can't accept the fact that we are An organic program written by a thousand chimpanzees with a Thousand typewriters over the course of a thousand millennia But, we are We are happenstance We are inevitable We are meaningless and insignificant In the grand machination of existence We are not special nor gifted nor graceful We exist as a means to a biological end We are, merely, a complex stage of evolution Pretending to be artists and visionaries In truth... we are future cave paintings and myth
Writer(s): David Chastain Lyrics powered by