
It is patently clear Any awkwardness here Can be cleared up in less than a trice Our identity switch Who is who? Which is which? We're in need of some solid advice There's a painfully simple solution It's as plain as the nose on your face By Gad By Gosh By Heck By Gum By Rabbit's Foot By Kingdom Come By all my sainted aunt believes By George By Jove By Jeeves When we're faced with the grind Of exerting the mind We're filled with a deep sense of dread How on Earth, I hear cries Does one give exercise To a thing that's embedded in your head? What we need is a free-range consultant Where on Earth do you find one of those? By Hook, by Crook By Way, by Pass By Sea, by Air By Road By Grass By Seven Dwarfs By Forty Thieves By George, by Jove, by Jeeves By Shuttlecock By Croquet Hoop By Panama By Windsor Soup By all those cards tucked up his sleeve By George, by Jove, by Jeeves Our collective I.Q Of around 42 Cannot cope, to be terribly frank All true leaders of men Delegate now and then Try to keep their minds totally blank To appreciate loftier matters Things that mostly go over my head By Derby Day By Nursery Tea By Moose By Spoons By Half-Past Three By every tender breast that heaves By George, by Jove, by Jeeves By Marmalade By Bowler Hat By Toothpaste tube By Burmese Cat By Baby Newts By Autumn Leaves By George, by Jove, by Jeeves Behold how Jeeves, with sleight of hand Conceives a scheme so carefully planned Even we can understand If he takes it terribly slowly By Basingstoke By Cardboard Box By Budge's Knees By Bassett's Socks By each that conjuror deceives By George, by Jove, by Jeeves By Jumping Jack By Easy Chair By Bain Marie By Camembert By every fruit bat in the eaves By George, by Jove, by Jeeves By Walking-Boot By Thermal Drawers By Canapes By Santa Claus By all his mighty brain achieves By every spell the master weaves By Heck By George By Jove By Jeeves By Jeeves, by Jeeves, by Jeeves By Jeeves
Writer(s): Andrew Lloyd-webber, Alan Ayckbourn Lyrics powered by