
You can't help what you turn into It'll happen anyway Moved my logic to my ribcage Then I moved it back again Though the effect was liberating And the event cause much a stir You can't help what you Help what you Help what you turn into You can't help what you Help what you Help what you turn into You can't help what you Help what you Help what you turn into You can't help what you Help what you Help what you turn into Got experiments and controls Sign on the door says 'stay away' I'm Looking into forms of protein To lend my mind a certain sway I'm closing in on metamorphosis To chase the night away You can't help what you turn into You will never have a say If your identity defeats you In a Clark Kent sort of way Then make sure that where you're going There's a phonebox on the way You can't help what you Help what you Help what you turn into You can't help what you Help what you Help what you turn into You can't help what you Help what you Help what you turn into You can't help what you Help what you Help what you turn into You can't help what you Help what you Help what you turn into You can't help what you Help what you Help what you turn into You can't help what you Help what you Help what you turn into You can't help what you Help what you Help what you turn into
Writer(s): Duncan Roberts Lyrics powered by