
In the dim corners cast by Moon's light, You see a gathering of patrons stand in a huddle Their desires are set on the wares of a lone pony amongst them, Holding an auction for the rarest of Magical artefacts—no questions asked You watch through a façade of indifference: To you, this is life under Luna's silvery watch Dangerous, it may seem, but danger is all you've known And familiar faces fill your vision as You step up to claim what is rightfully yours A wordless nod, and all are silent For they know that what you want you get And as the gavel falls You retreat Perhaps this will be all you need; You can flip this, certainly, but... for how much? Enough to see your foals smile tomorrow? Enough for them to eat? You don't have much time to revel in your victory as suddenly, One by one, masked ponies reveal themselves from The impenetrable shadows of the crammed alleyway You are surrounded—but Celestia be damned if They're stopping you this night, or any night after
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