
Leave each day behind like flowing water Free your sadness, yesterday is gone, its tail is torn Today new seeds are growing The time has come to turn your heart into... A temple of fire Your presence is gold, hidden in dust to reveal its splender Burn in the fire of love Leave each day behind like flowing water, free your sadness, yesterday is gone, Its tail is torn Today new seeds are growing Time has come to turn your heart into... A temple of fire Your presence is gold, hidden in dust, to reveal its splender Burn in the fire of love Time has come to turn your heart into... A temple of fire Your presence is gold, hidden in dust, to reveal its splender Burn in the fire of love Burn in the fire of love Burn in this fire of love Burn in the fire of love Burn in this fire of love
Writer(s): Alice Haydvogel-rauppach Lyrics powered by