
This story is about a child Who was ripped out from his life. Hands dyed in red of mom and dad And without a home to come back. (They own) He's scared and lost. (his life!) A grain of sand in an hourglass. With his metal toy he runs Through the burning battlefield, Death's smell doesn't let him breathe. His young heart covered with scars Can't remember how to feel, All he knows is killing to live. With dust in his eyesight He fights for his life. The friends that he never met Are lying on the roadside. Screams, open fire and The smoke cover the sun. There is no stop in his way To fix his broken mind. (They own) He's scared and lost. (his life!) A grain of sand in an hourglass. With his metal toy he runs Through the burning battlefield, Death's smell doesn't let him breathe. His young heart covered with scars Can't remember how to feel, All he knows is killing to live. You have been chosen to fulfill the word of God. Kill or die now, you are worthless for the world. Running away with no place to hide from the horror that torments him. Trying to escape from this madness of sorrow and cruelty. Running away with no place to hide from the horror that torments him. Trying to escape from this madness of sorrow and cruelty. (They own) He's scared and lost. (his life!) A grain of sand in an hourglass. With his metal toy he runs Through the burning battlefield, Death's smell doesn't let him breathe. His young heart covered with scars Can't remember how to feel, All he knows is killing to live. A cold bullet of salvation Pierces his little chest, At last he stops feeling afraid. His young heart is giving up But he knows it's his way out. Lights turn off, he's happy: he is free.
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