
笑得很自然的表情 是你最致命的武器 你做得完全不費吹灰之力 說愛情最好是遊戲 太認真你嫌太無趣 敢不敢陪你就當玩玩而已 這樣的關係 No 不是沒關係 我們在一起 不在一起 不能太在意 最後結局 But I can't stop thinking about you And I know I can't stop Baby dreaming about you 我失去抵抗的能力 就算愛你是咎由自取 Without you, I have no love Without you, I have no love 我沒辦法更加清醒 就算很可能傷害自己 Without you, I have no love Without you, I have no love Baby, I don't know, I don't know 越想從你的身邊抽離 越發現愛得身不由己 Baby, I don't know, I don't know Without you, I have no love Without you, I have no love 你習慣躺在我懷裡 然後承認另有目的 我卻不介意 下次靠近 反而抱得更緊 There's only hate There's only tears There's only pain There is no love here There's only lies There's only fear There's only pain There is no love here 這樣的關係 no 不是沒關係 我們在一起 不在一起 不能太在意 最後結局 But I can't stop thinking about you And I know I can't stop Baby dreaming about you 我失去抵抗的能力 就算愛你是咎由自取 Without you, I have no love Without you, I have no love 我沒辦法更加清醒 就算很可能傷害自己 Without you, I have no love Without you, I have no love 沒有結果的算不算愛情 沒有愛情的算不算曾經 面對你就無能為力 我的愛讓你不問自取 Without you, I have no love Without you, I have no love 我知道不能放縱你 卻說服不了身體力行 Without you, I have no love Without you, I have no love Baby, I don't know, I don't know 越想把一切當作遊戲 越發現愛得太過沉迷 Baby, I don't know, I don't know Without you, I have no love Without you, I have no love
Writer(s): Jay Hong, Jin-hwan Jung, Dong-kyun Ko, Huang Zheng Bin, Mi-so Jung Lyrics powered by