
Imaginary hope. Panacea Colonies on dope. Anesthesia This is how we cope without wonder Blind empiricist. Incompliant Pseudo scientist. Feigning science The fascinated minds outnumbered We will understand dark matter when We can build a weapon from it But if we dream beyond The five-sense fishpond Beauty and awe is natural law Pillars of creation in the stars While we're all counting cars Cells regenerate before our eyes While superstition thrives They contaminate Poisoning debate Emotion is their cause and effect Conspiratorial. Illusionary Desire for control. Imaginary Stimulated to arrogance The universe is not Obligated to Make sense to them or to you If we dream beyond The five-sense fishpond Beauty and awe is natural law Pillars of creation in the stars While we're all counting cars Cells regenerate before our eyes While superstition thrives Carry on Carry on Carry on
Writer(s): Lagwagon Lyrics powered by