
Noo whan Ah-want-ta lauchin Ah think of the scene Whan aa'body roon cam ower tae clean An claarted themsel's richt up-ta the e'en At the muckin o Geordie's byre Wi Robbie the Rochie an Willie the Doo The officer fell fur Jeannie McGrew And aa'body else that hud hud a capoo At the muckin' o' Geordie's byre Och! siccan a sotter wis aa'body in Five mile awa ye cud hear the din Even the verra-coo hud to grin At the muckin o Geordie's byre Noo the bobby cam roon tae quell the fowks doon The cratur gat loast whaur the ricks hud thur foon He fell in the midden, wis like tae droon At the muckin o Geordie's byre The wecht o him syne sends the barrow in bits The wheel cairries oan an the officer hits Losh ye shud hiv seen hoo she did the splits At the muckin o Geordie's byre Och! siccan a sotter wis aa'body in Five mile awa ye cud hear the din Even the verra-coo hud to grin At the muckin o Geordie's byre Oh the whisky gaed roon, Tammy's fleein the doo An aye as they drank, the mair they gat fou The only yins sober, the calf an the coo At the muckin o Geordie's byre Tammy roars oot, "Ring the bell fur mair" Syne he tuggit the coo's tail, an pult oot a hair She kickit oot he gaed up in the air At the muckin o Geordie's byre Och! siccan a sotter wis aa'body in Five mile awa ye cud hear the din Even the verra-coo hud to grin At the muckin o Geordie's byre Oo-oh such a stanache was there to see Five miles away you could hear the melee Even the domesticated animals were consumed with glee At the cleansing of Georges cow shed Och! siccan a sotter wis aa'body in Five mile awa ye cud hear the din Even the verra-coo hud to grin At the muckin o Geordie's byre
Writer(s): Bernard Ebbinghouse Lyrics powered by