
At the ending of last century I thought I knew the score The miners lost the battle But the good guys won the war I stayed up with my folks They drank champagne till 6 A.M The morning that we saw the Tories Out of number 10 But short-lived was the victory From that May morning air When came the bloody war in Through the door of Tony Blair A nation of resistance Peaceful folk denied a choice And taught my generation That a vote was not a voice Well before too long the boom was bust And the money had run dry And when the people turned around And ask Westminster "why?" The false god that they'd made Out of the city still prevailed And we were told the welfare state Was why the system failed Well we were sold prosperity Off working people's backs And while we got mass-austerity The rich got let off tax And now the NHS is on its knees And the ones who get the blame Are people washed up on the shore With nothing to their name A world of competition For resources we should share Was brought about by Thatcher And made stronger under Blair But nobody on this earth Should fight for food or home or health And I know we won't survive On every person for themself Now I know less than ever What tomorrow's got in store But I owe it to my children To try for a little more Than cruelty and division Folks left in poverty to die And if we've got a chance to change it Then I'm damn well gonna try
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