
Unexpressed fears run peoples lives And old fears create beliefs and stories that keep you anchored in the past And of course these fears are projected into people and events in your life today Oh you think darkness is your ally You merely adopted the dark I was born in it Molded by it At a young age they killed off what's sacred They just continue to fill him with hatred They were instilling to label him villain the bad guy that no other children would play with Ya, make him feel like he's invasive You know that stepchild that lives in the basement They don't acknowledge or even address him but slowly progressing While towing an anchor Uh, smoking these potpourri vapors I walk the skies but at night like I'm Vader Heroes suppressing the rise of messiah the fire grows higher Can't contain these flames up Uh, even satan was once angel Its all a setup the way they arrange you You can live life on point straight as an arrow But you still gon end up wherever they aim you, Uh You'll never see me coming And this just the way I was directed Never had a friend man I always been neglected Couldn't comprehend the way I never was accepted The way I was rejected you'd think I was infected Feeling blue just like Mystique in the X-men Wouldn't be the truth if I said that it didn't effect him Want me to hide my truth Professor X him Make him fall into a deep and dark state of depression But there's a beast inside being created The good gene die grey sky I was cremated Bet soon as I collapse you all sigh got me jaded Please listen to me while I am alive or ill stage it And just before your eyes a surprise so amazing A dark Phoenix rise out the fire now I'm blazing, Uh And speaking of Phoenix like Joaquin in the joker The water in the pot is heated till it boils over Instead of making fun of go say hello to the loner The damage can be undone and prevented with exposure To the good holy pure individuals Its the only way to save him I swear its so critical But the way that they mistreat him it really disturb his soul I mean the way that they just leave him to spiral out of control Down low falling like its autumn Know the floor better than anyone I came straight from the bottom No use in trying to stop him his power gon steady augment Im a god nuclear bomb Jon Osterman in the watchmen Tell me who are you when nobody's watching Are you remaining the same or maybe you stopping Maybe in public you run it then you walk in You always claim that you done it but you just talking Oh you the hero to save em ok then start then Help me I don't think you'll risk it To dish up the brisket Stay optimistic I wish upon stars to acknowledge me all I hear jiminy crickets They would not dare to square up with the devil cuz they cannot see me when I Wilson Fisk this I am a king with the pen and my suit lined with metal 4 5 by the spine 9 on hip bitch I keep it low key Like I am Loki The god of the mischief Nobody nose me Any scents you cologne me The per fume to expensive With every penny I'm wiser but they still gon clown on me pick on me as if im IT You got me sick cuz you called me your dog but then you gon turn around And treat me like Vick You created a Monster Was meant to be the one Give him cold shoulder from sun he is shunned They were so afraid of what he'd become So they took the light from him Tesla Edison I don't know why never get no support back I was just trynna preserve like the Lorax Maybe they wouldn't all sleep on me Snorlax If I ink my mask like your tats Rorschach Villain
Writer(s): Michael Jensen Lyrics powered by