
The path you're on bends just ahead You fear the night and cold and dread The loneliness and terror that The dark will bring you You question faith and Who is good The promises you one time proved Seem fairy tales and childish dreams Of hopes that haunt you You thought Him kind, but far too soon Where you were strong He left deep wounds And scars and hurts enough to kill The faith within you You fail to see what He intends By tearing wounds so He can cleanse Away what you hold closest to The heart inside of you But, friend, could I speak A word to your wounds He will not break Beyond what can be used The places where You once were wronged Will be restored Will be made strong The weakest reed He soon will mend The flickering wick will blaze again And you will know Him Oh, you will know Him For Who He is You don't expect for Him to come Remove the shards and pour the Balm Of Gilead, the tonic to The bane within you But even now I see Him lean Over your lifeless form and weep And wound to wound He lays His own Red stripes upon you As healing rushes, rises high Life quickens hope that death held tight And breath returns to lungs that long Were still within you And eyes, once dark and empty, peer Into the Eyes of One Whose tears Have cleansed their own, removing all That once had blinded you But, friend, could I speak A word to your wounds Jesus will not break Beyond what can be used The places where You once were wronged Will be restored Will be made strong The weakest reed He soon will mend The flickering wick will blaze again And you will know Him Oh, you will know Him For Who He is The weakest reed He soon will mend The flickering wick will blaze again And you will know Him Oh, you will know Him For Who He is
Writer(s): Merilee Barnard Lyrics powered by