
We feel so high (so high so high yeah) We feel so bad (ei ei ei ei) We feel so high (so high) We feel so bad so bad OK We feel so high, we feel so bad Bad girl don't kill my vibe You not my type, we feel so high NaChoBoi with my Gang time We be all right Call me freaky money maker, best fraud ever Sorry, officer never be a violator Judge me and my girl, I can not cheat her Maybe cause I'm charming every feature But it doesn't matter, let me kick the pointer Tik Tok you shut up, come into the future Fame's bigger, I'm a god damn trendsetter And I tryna murder chatter then I be the supreme leader 让开 和我兄弟正在上坡 All night 总在鼓点之间奔波 When the beats start 那泉涌般的灵感不会停下 天马行空 遐想 甚多 每天思考如何挣脱看客笔下的枷锁 洗涤头上莫须有的罪名 不想沦为夜空片刻即逝的花火 握紧我的 rhyme and flow 如影随形 尽情欣赏我的背影 我的背影写满傲气 Just feeling it wondering "would I be the weakest" Say you never 带着恶意 但你 judge me with 妒忌 奉劝你们 don't sick everybody can't be working 我很平和但是不爱笑 暴燥的人格请 enemy 指教 井水不犯河水 但你学不 会闭嘴 那我就怼 Woo that's my style I heard ring ring 铺天盖地的call 我随意的敷衍他卖力地凑 数不完的合作和率性的dope 我要在有限的人生里快意个够 懒得为虚荣心争夺 奔波 就当我完全是侥幸 我过上我想要的生活 你却还在谋取那点蝇头小利 我早都知道我的使命 rap or die 落笔写下未来然后 rap my life 比起过程我更不在意成败 Me and my crew we always fly 从来就没想过收敛 潜心修炼 高调算我优点 Earn that gold chain 年少轻狂 经常会把对手甩的够远 谁管傀儡活死 当你信仰全部坍塌 我在走马兼着观花 你在观财 没有低头接受别人安排 因此我能享受到你从来没得苦尽甘来 诋毁的无力又翻来 eh 覆去 我习惯了敌意和妒忌 I got my purpose 找到了目的 别指望靠丑态引起我注意wanker We feel so high (so high so high yeah) We feel so bad (ei ei ei ei) We feel so high (so high) We feel so bad so bad OK We feel so high, we feel so bad Bad girl don't kill my vibe You not my type, we feel so high NaChoBoi with my Gang time We be all right 我有99个问题没有一个关于你的 不成器的bitch疯狂的比着 我的成功不靠我自己难道靠着你么 看见你丑恶的嘴脸像是白天撞到鬼了 带着全新音乐一起 rolling roll Money come like the money gonna go You can't fuck with me just bring me 镶满灵感 Just grinding you are ready know 带上奉天的桂冠 我不觉得谁能将我位置替代 没有意外 so bad 出了名的脾气坏 永远碾压你的实力派 I don't like talk about it I'm be about it 我们一直不停梦想从不换 不仅女人chainz 还有你的作品 演出 fuck that shit 我也从来都不看 We bad so high We bad so high We bad so high We bad so high So lets pray 永远代表奉天 扎根这片圣地 从来不怕碰壁 其他无所谓 你的车在梦里 你的钱在梦里 But I fucking still on my way Feeling good, I feel a way Vibe high like a summer day I can't even lie that girl just text me the other day aye She wanna diamonds in the face, stars up in the wrist, and shrimp up on her plate Ehh ehh, we go up, then turn up more Fill up one more time till I can't feel anymore Ehh ehh, I know better than the most Pull out all this cash, I can bet she gonna let you know Got the whole gang on a wild yeah Got the whole gang on a wild yeah We go up through the late night yeah We a tribe we a tribe yeah We feel so high (so high so high yeah) We feel so bad (ei ei ei ei) We feel so high (so high) We feel so bad so bad OK We feel so high, we feel so bad Bad girl don't kill my vibe You not my type we feel so high NaChoBoi with my gang time We be all right
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