
"In conclusion, while the Battle of Pelham was one of the less bloody Of the skirmishes in the Revolutionary War, it just goes to show Even in 1776, you had to watch your ass in the Bronx." Okay. so, hey Maybe it's not n.y.u Sure but, so what? Sometimes you have to make do Something, somehow Somewhere could someday come through for me; for us Maybe I don't Teach at an ivy league school Maybe I won't Reach a position that cool Maybe this is it But I'm nobody's fool; I'm trying. plus She never promised me all of her heart She only promised "'til death do us part." And I still love her She's so unhappy And I can see it And it upsets me And she starts crying And I can't think of anything to say, and so I hide away inside History Clear, consistent history Age-resistant history Staggeringly vast No guessing games Facts and figures Dates and names Written down in history Records of the past I can't be that hero who'll whisk her away Just plant me at home and it's doubtful I'd stray She can't see that sometimes you just have to stay slow and low-key What's so wrong with that? What's so wrong with this town? What's so wrong with Kat? Why that permanent frown? Why'd she rather chat with that teacher from down in N.Y.C.? In her, he stirs something latent, it seems Reviving all of her juvenile dreams I used to have that I used to dream, too I used to fear I would end up here teaching History Wanted to be somebody Never thought I'd fail But I make the best of it Just have to shake the rest of it Can't rewrite the history Can't erase the trail Bad enough to watch as she Tries to solve the mystery Of our tragic history, our pathetic tale
Writer(s): Allan Dennis Rich, Marsha Malamet, David Lasley Lyrics powered by